Solar Package And Battery Upgrades

Looking to optimise your solar investment?

At Thompson Electrical & Solar, we offer a variety of solutions to help you get the most out of your solar system. Whether you need to upgrade your existing installation or improve its performance, we’ve got you covered.

Array Size

If your solar system is no longer meeting your energy needs, we can conduct a site visit to assess your capacity to increase array sizing. We also recommend a system health check to ensure that your system is generating at an optimal level. Our experienced team can help you navigate the latest technologies to improve your energy efficiency and storage capabilities. We don’t just offer you products; we offer you support and guidance to help you make the best decisions for your home or business.

Solar Battery Fitting

In addition to system upgrades, we also offer solar battery storage solutions. With our battery storage options, you can store your excess generated energy and use it to power your home or business during times when the sun isn’t providing energy, such as at night or during power outages. We work with leading brands such as Sungrow, Redearth and Tesla to provide you with the best technology and after-sales support. Trust us to help you optimise your solar investment for maximum savings and energy independence.

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Get In Touch

Are you looking for a highly experienced electrical & solar specialist to manage your unique requirements? Get in touch with us now and let us know exactly how we can help you.

From supply & installation to planned and ongoing electrical and solar maintenance, we’ve got you covered every step of the way.