Commercial Solar Maintenance

Commercial Solar Service And Maintenance 

Thompson Electrical & Solar is committed to providing ongoing services that ensure your commercial solar energy system performs at its peak daily. Our comprehensive maintenance services include energy monitoring, system performance review, solar panel repairs, solar panel maintenance, and solar panel cleaning.

System Audits, Repairs, And Maintenance

To ensure your commercial solar system runs reliably for its full lifespan, we offer system audits, repairs, and regular maintenance services. Our team can provide a comprehensive report on the condition of your existing solar panel system, as well as test the components for efficiency.

Reap The Benefits

By maintaining your commercial solar system, you can enjoy benefits such as longer panel and inverter life, higher energy generation, consistent savings, and fewer call-out fees for simple faults and failures. Our team is experienced in diagnosing and repairing the most common solar system issues, including faulty inverters, lack of performance and financial return, poor workmanship, and DC isolators.

Trust Thompson Electrical & Solar to help you get the most out of your solar system with ongoing maintenance and services.

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Get In Touch

Are you looking for a highly experienced electrical & solar specialist to manage your unique requirements? Get in touch with us now and let us know exactly how we can help you.

From supply & installation to planned and ongoing electrical and solar maintenance, we’ve got you covered every step of the way.